Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Wizarding Dayz Review

More fans of fantasy are finding Wizarding Dayz is the convention to attend. When Wizarding Dayz started, it was seen as the premier event for the world of Harry Potter created by J. K. Rowling. The latest convention was a festival of the diversity of fantasy for all ages.

Along with the numerous Hogwart's school uniforms, there were adventuring parties and characters from favorite books, movies, and games. They represented our world's fantasized past, present, and future and other-worldly settings.

Wizards, knights, and witches attended. They mingled with sailors, dragon riders, and mermaids. All around them, we muggles wove our way to take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the event.

On Thursday night was the Yule Ball. This event was held for the young (18 years or older) and young at heart crowd. There was food and drink available to get into the spirit of the ball. It ran into the evening allowing the wizards along the Wasatch to greet each other and kick up their heels for a few hours.

The next two days were filled with activities, shows, and shopkeepers with their goods for sale.

Creating potions

Activities and Shows

Everyone could be involved with the activities taking place. Knights and maidens were testing to see if you could pull the sword from the stone. Young wizards, warlocks, and witches learned how to make potions and use wands. Some were mingling with the guests and watching the magic that was being performed.

Magic shows were performed to the delight of the audience. Other met with, and took pictures with the Mermaids of the Great Salt Lake. Looking around, you could see more people meeting with the characters of Evermore and learning about the interactive fantasy provided. You could also sit back and hear more about your particular fandom.

Mermaids of the Great Salt Lake

Some fans become part of the experience by cosplaying. Along with being able to mingle with us mundane sorts, they had a place where they could meet up and share interests and information. The days completed up with a contest to compare one against the other and to cheer new friends on.

A number of panel discussions covering fantastical topics took place. These gave a place for a little respite from the marketplace where all sorts of goods are available.

Evermore and guests

Goods Galore

In the market, along with the street performers, were goods for sale. The range of goods covered areas for fans, wizards, knights, and those wanting something to remember the gathering.

You could find a new wand in one stall, fantasy novels in the next, and dragon eggs in another. There were artisans showing their talents in picture, cloth, leather, metal, and more. You could fine something for your wall, your bed, or to hang from your belt.

The variety of products available kept many a festival goer interested in what to spend their coin on.

New Wands

Wizarding Dayz gets better with every event they hold. Each time they learn from the last to improve and make the experience better for everyone. This was seen through the smiles on the faces and the conversations being had.

Fantasy fans of all styles should look for the next time Wizarding Dayz announces an event. They have held events in different locations (the previous one in Logan) so everyone can enjoy the atmosphere. When the next one comes around and you want to meet up, let me know and we will plan on grabbing a table at the tavern and sit back with a couple of butterbeers.

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Some work from Wasatch Forge

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