Thursday, March 5, 2020

The World Is Safe... For Now

What's going on everyone!?

Today for the #2019gameaday challenge I decided to get an early game in because of our big move. I decided to play Elder Sign: Omens, basically Eldritch Horror mobile.

After getting reacquainted with the game I started to try and save the world from the ancient ones! 

After a few rounds of success in closing gates the game started showing me it's TRUE colors and killing off my party!

(I failed to grab a screenshot of the first death but it was the guardian angel) 

By the time all was said and done it was 3 dead and only Joe left. Surprisingly he pulled himself together and mustered up the courage to close the last gate himself and thus saving the world from ultimate doom and destruction! 

I'm unsure if my score is any good to be honest as this is my first win. Let me know if you play this one and if my score is good or subpar at best.

As always, thank you for reading and don't forget to stop and smell the meeples! :)


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