Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Dead Island: Definitive Collection [Updated To V1.1.2 + MULTi8] For PC [9.5 GB] Highly Compressed Repack

Dead Island: Definitive Collection - is a collection of survival horror action role-playing video game developed by Polish developer Techland and published by German studio Deep Silver for Microsoft Windows.

Featuring: Definitive Collection contains Dead Island Definitive Edition, Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition and a brand new stand-alone 16-bit game Dead Island Retro Revenge. Dead Island Definitive Edition and Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition are fully remastered versions of Dead Island and Dead Island Riptide including all released DLC and patches plus Dead Island Retro Revenge: A brand new stand-alone 16-bit game set in the style of a classic side-scrolling action/endless runner within the Dead Island universe.

Plus caught in the Midst of an Epic Zombie Outbreak on the tropical island of Banoi, your only thought is: Survive.
Featuring epic Dead Island: Smash heads, Crack skulls, and Slice up with the visceral Astounding Melee Combat.
Contains Dead Island & its Undead successor, Dead Island: Riptide Bundled with all the previously released DLC.
Brand new standalone 16bit game set in the style of a classic sidescrolling action within the Dead Island universe.
• Introducing: Welcome to the Epic Zombie apocalypse experience of a Lifetime plus, now more Beautiful than ever.

Game is updated to latest version
▪ Dead Island Retro Revenge - Updated to version 1.0
▪ Dead Island Definitive Edition - Updated to version 1.1.2
▪ Dead Island Riptide Definitive Edition - Updated to version 1.1.2


♢ Click or choose only one button below to download this game.
♢ You need μTorrent program to download torrent files, download here.
♢ View detailed instructions for downloading and installing the game here.
♢ Use 7-Zip to extract RAR, ZIP and ISO files. Install PowerISO to mount ISO files.

http://pasted.co/af29b5ae       https://pastebin.com/raw/9EYeguHE
Unlock with password: pcgamesrealm

➤ Download the game by clicking on the button link provided above.
➤ Download the game on the host site and turn off your Antivirus or Windows Defender to avoid errors.
➤ When the download process is finished, locate or go to that file.
➤ Open and extract the file by using 7-Zip, and run 'setup.exe' as admin then install the game on your PC.
➤ Once the installation is complete, run the game's exe as admin and you can now play the game.
➤ Congratulations! You can now play this game for free on your PC.
➤ Note: If you like this video game, please buy it and support the developers of this game.
Turn off or temporarily disable your Antivirus or Windows Defender to avoid false positive detections.

(Your PC must at least have the equivalent or higher specs in order to run this game.)
Operating System: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10 | requires 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core i5 Processors GHz or higher for better gaming experience
Memory: at least 4GB System RAM
Hard Disk Space: 26GB free HDD Space
Video Card: Geforce GTX 560 Ti or AMD Radeon HD 6870 1GB VRAM or higher graphics
Supported Language: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Czech, Polish and language.
If you have any questions or encountered broken links, please do not hesitate to comment below. :D

Warsow 2.0 Is Now Almost Fully FOSS!

Great news for the FOSS enthusiasts: after many years of constant nagging the latest release of the great parcour/arena FPS Warsow has now most of it's artistic content under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 license (with a few remaining but clearly marked ones under CC-by-ND).

Also updated particle effects in Warsow 2.0
You can find more screen-shots in the above link and the full changelog here.

Rendering speed was also increased (claimed to be 30-50% faster) and a movement tutorial is now included.

So far I always recommended Xonotic over Warsow as the coolest (=most competitive; Red Eclipse is also cool, but much more casual) open-source arena FPS, but I think I might reconsider this now...

Happy fragging :p

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Great Unknown : 720P And 480P Retro Solutions

While retro video games and consoles have been getting the digital treatment in the forms of emulators, PCs and services like the Virtual Console, buying hardware to specifically play retro games in a digital form (as opposed to a clone console) is a relatively recent phenomenon.  There has been a draw for people who want to really use their cartridges on a high quality, high definition system using a modern TV.  There has also been a market for people who want a plug-and-play box where they don't have to fiddle with emulator options.  Most modern TVs use the HDMI connector for passing digital content through to a LCD panel's display processor.  HDMI licensing issues aside (search my blog for information about those issues), most of these retro devices support a maximum resolution of 480p, 720p or 1080p.  While some of these devices support 1080p, many only support 720p or 480p. which can lead to thorny problems with lag and image resizing.  Let's take a look at the issues in this blog article.

First, here is a list of current or actually released retro-centered solutions by the maximum resolution they support :

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